The artificial intelligence in fashion: an unstoppable trend.


In the past year, the emergence of groundbreaking technologies like artificial intelligence has begun to profoundly transform the fashion industry. This evolution is not only changing how brands gather information about trends but also radically altering the way they design their collections and produce their advertising campaigns.

Among these changes, the design of collections and the production of advertising campaigns stand out as some of the most significant. Many brands have already started integrating AI tools into their daily operations, facilitating the generation of new ideas and the creation of sketches. These tools also play a crucial role in planning and executing photoshoots and campaigns, accelerating the creation cycle and allowing for greater experimentation and creativity.

Moreover, thanks to these visual content generation tools for campaigns, brands are reducing the need for physical samples and traditional photo productions, thereby decreasing waste and environmental impact.

A notable example of these tools is Neural Fashion, which assists brands throughout the entire creation process, from designing collections to producing campaigns.

Artificial Intelligence in Fashion: An Unstoppable Trend

Generative artificial intelligence is emerging as a transformative force in the fashion industry. Major fashion brands are evaluating how AI can enhance their processes and foster creativity in their daily operations, and many have already begun testing and implementing AI tools at various stages of their processes, from design conception to the production of advertising campaigns.

AI has evolved from being a futuristic idea to becoming a tangible reality for many companies in the sector. However, it is essential to understand that, like any advanced technology, AI requires a learning and adaptation process. It is not a magical solution that will instantly solve all challenges, as some brands might imagine. AI is a powerful and revolutionary tool capable of performing tasks never seen before, but its effectiveness depends on proper understanding and use.

Currently, AI is constantly surprising us and is only in its early stages. This leads us to predict that this technology will revolutionize the industry and change processes as we understand them today. Next, we will explore how this technology is already revolutionizing the fashion industry and what we can expect in the near future.

AI-Generated Fashion

As we have seen, one of the areas where generative AI is having the most significant impact is in the design of collections and the production of advertising campaigns to sell these collections. For designing these collections, there are various AI tools that assist fashion designers in creating their proposals. These tools provide garment ideas based on a concept provided by the designer or from a sketch. This way, the designer has a wide range of ideas that only need to be adjusted according to their criteria to develop the final garments.

A notable example of a tool for designing collections is Neural Fashion, which not only helps brands create photoshoots but also facilitates the design process. Designers can upload hand-drawn sketches to the platform and obtain different ideas for the garment from there. The platform allows for iteration on the designs and fine-tuning details to better meet the designer’s needs and even see how these garments would look on different models. This not only accelerates the design process but also allows for greater experimentation and precision in creating collections.

Realistic and Innovative Backgrounds for Your Photoshoots

One of the main challenges for fashion brands is finding the right locations for their photoshoots. Conducting a photoshoot in an attractive location that fits the concept of the collection and campaign, and moving the entire team there, is no easy task. Moreover, depending on each brand’s budget, the options are limited. Thanks to artificial intelligence, this problem disappears, as brands can create their campaigns from the office without the need to travel.

With Neural Fashion, brands can create campaigns in any environment, even in imaginary locations, without having to move. All they need to do is upload images of their garments to the platform (taken with a mobile phone) and then iterate with the platform using prompts to describe the desired location style. This way, they will obtain a wide variety of images in different settings for their campaigns.

When using such tools, it’s important to remember that AI generates many proposals based on the prompts we provide. Therefore, it’s useful to keep an open mind to all the ideas this tool can offer, allowing for greater creativity and diversity in advertising campaigns.

Personalized AI-Generated Models

Another relevant aspect where generative AI can benefit fashion brands is in selecting the ideal model for their campaigns, perfectly matching their needs. Thanks to this technology, brands can create models that represent a wide range of body types and demographic characteristics, offering an inclusive and diverse vision of their garments. This allows them to tailor their communications more precisely, creating more targeted and effective campaigns.

With Neural Fashion, brands can design campaigns with personalized models and even develop unique figures that are instantly identifiable with their brand. Imagine being able to recognize a brand by seeing a specific model. With Neural Fashion, this is now a reality. The latest update of the platform allows for the creation of personalized avatars that can appear in all your photoshoots without complications. Additionally, it is possible to generate several avatars so that each one perfectly fits different campaigns, facilitating greater consistency and personalization in all your visual communications.

Change Your Models' Look in Seconds

In addition to creating your own models, artificial intelligence allows you to easily and quickly change their appearance and style. With Neural Fashion AI, you can modify aspects like hairstyle and clothing style in a matter of seconds. This rapid customization capability greatly facilitates the creation of your campaigns and content, allowing you to experiment with different looks and combinations without the need for multiple photoshoots.

The flexibility offered by Neural Fashion AI enables designers to explore a wide variety of aesthetic options for each campaign. You can adjust a model’s hairstyle to better fit a specific collection or change their outfit to match the season’s theme. All of this can be done intuitively and efficiently, saving valuable time and resources.

This tool not only simplifies the creative process but also expands the possibilities for innovation. By being able to visualize different styles and adjustments in real time, designers can make informed and precise decisions about the creative direction of their campaigns. Neural Fashion AI gives you the power to take your ideas from concept to final execution with unprecedented ease and speed.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence in Fashion

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made a significant impact on the world of fashion, offering both opportunities and challenges. As brands consider adopting this technology, they begin to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of its implementation. Below, we will look at the main points.


  • Increased Creativity: AI is a highly creative technology that allows brands to take a step further and generate many more ideas than with a traditional creation process. Thanks to this technology, brands can create more quickly and design collections and campaigns that would not be possible with traditional production methods. Imagine presenting your collection on the moon or having your models and garments parade underwater? With Neural Fashion AI, all this is possible.

  • Innovation: Implementing a new technology like AI makes brands pioneers and innovators. All those brands that dare to use such a revolutionary technology as AI will have a significant advantage in the future over those that are afraid to use it or resist it.

  • Speed: The creation process for brands is typically slow, but with the implementation of AI, such as Neural Fashion, brands can accelerate it. From creating collections to producing campaigns, this tool assists brands in creating garments and campaigns much faster without having to leave the office.

  • Sustainability: Generative AI helps brands become more sustainable for two reasons. First, it helps reduce the carbon footprint produced by traveling for campaign photoshoots. Second, Neural Fashion’s AI allows brands that sell on demand to create campaigns from their 3D designs without needing to produce the garments.

  • Cost Reduction: As evident, all the previous benefits result in brands perceiving cost savings in their campaigns.


Everything that has advantages also has some disadvantages or challenges, and although we at Neural Fashion believe that these are due to the technology being very nascent, it is important to consider them when implementing it:

  • Very New Technology: Generative AI is a very recent technology, which makes many actions that will be easy to achieve in the near future complicated now. For example, video.
  • Fear of Technology: Being such a revolutionary technology, some parts of society see it as a threat. Some people think it could replace certain jobs, but the reality is that this technology will be a tool to enhance human work.

How Brands Are Using Artificial Intelligence in Fashion

Big brands like Stradivarius, G-Star Raw, and Desigual are leading the way in adopting AI for creating their fashion campaigns. These companies have already started using AI to generate high-quality images, optimize their marketing strategies, and offer personalized experiences to their customers.

Stradivarius Case

In March 2023, the brand Stradivarius presented its first collection and campaign designed with Artificial Intelligence. The Inditex group brand designed a collection inspired by spring using generalist generative AI tools such as Midjourney and then produced the garments.

This campaign was one of the first created with AI and caused a significant stir within the fashion industry. The campaign was approached in a very interesting way, as the garments that were ultimately produced were simply inspired by those created with AI. The garments were not trained as we would do with Neural Fashion; they were simply an inspiration in many cases.

G-Star Raw Case

Another brand that has taken a bold step by integrating artificial intelligence into the design of its new collection is G-Star RAW. By using AI, the brand has managed to create unique garments that stand out for their innovation and precision in detail. This collection not only reflects the technology’s ability to transform the creative process but also demonstrates its potential to optimize production and marketing in the fashion industry. G-Star RAW’s initiative marks a milestone in how brands can leverage AI to develop revolutionary products and offer personalized experiences to their consumers

Desigual Case

The brand Desigual has adopted artificial intelligence to launch its “On Demand” collection, designed with AI technology. This innovation allows the brand to make better forecasts for raw material needs and logistics. According to Desigual, the key to success in this process has been learning to manage the technology to enhance creativity. This strategy not only improves efficiency but also offers a more personalized and sustainable fashion experience for consumers.

In summary, artificial intelligence has come to the fashion industry to stay, and brands will need to integrate it into their collection design and campaign creation processes to avoid falling behind. The adoption of this technology not only allows brands to be more creative and efficient but also positions them as leaders in sustainability and innovation. By optimizing production and opening new opportunities for personalization, AI becomes an essential resource in the competitive current market


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